Fish stock assessments and predictions: integrating relevant knowledge
Fish stock assessments and predictions: integrating relevant knowledge. An overview
Øyvind Ulltang
Sci. Mar. 67(Suppl.1) : 5-12 Abstract PDF
The state of the art in stock assessment: where we are and where we are going
Ray Hilborn
Sci. Mar. 67(Suppl.1) : 15-20 Abstract PDF
What kinds of fish stock predictions do we need and what kinds of information will help us to make better predictions?
Keith Brander
Sci. Mar. 67(Suppl.1) : 21-33 Abstract PDF
Fish stock assessments in the Mediterranean: state of the art
Jordi Lleonart and Francesc Maynou
Sci. Mar. 67(Suppl.1) : 37-49 Abstract PDF
The East Atlantic and Mediterranean bluefin tuna stock management: uncertainties and alternatives
Jean-Marc Fromentin
Sci. Mar. 67(Suppl.1) : 51-62 Abstract PDF
Annual trends in catchability and fish stock assessments
Marchal Paul, Ulrich Clara, Korsbrekke Knut, Pastoors Martin and Rackham Brian
Sci. Mar. 67(Suppl.1) : 63-73 Abstract PDF
Quality of fisheries data and uncertainty in stock assessment
Yong Chen
Sci. Mar. 67(Suppl.1) : 75-87 Abstract PDF
Integrative fish stock assessment by frequentist methods: confidence distributions and likelihoods for bowhead whales
Tore Schweder
Sci. Mar. 67(Suppl.1) : 89-97 Abstract PDF
Scientific knowledge of biological processes potentially useful in fish stock predictions
Friedrich W. Köster, Dietrich Schnack and Christian Möllmann
Sci. Mar. 67(Suppl.1) : 101-127 Abstract PDF
Recruitment of Baltic cod and sprat stocks: identification of critical life stages and incorporation of environmental variability into stock-recruitment relationships
F.W. Köster, D. Schnack and C. Möllmann
Sci. Mar. 67(Suppl.1) : 129-154 Abstract PDF
How may feeding data be integrated into a model for a Norwegian fjord population of cod (Gadus morhua L.) ?
Torstein Pedersen and John G. Pope
Sci. Mar. 67(Suppl.1) : 155-169 Abstract PDF
Comparing survey and assessment data: Consequences for stock evaluation of Northeast Arctic Greenland halibut
Ole Thomas Albert and Åge S. Høines
Sci. Mar. 67(Suppl.1) : 171-180 Abstract PDF
Early estimates of recruitment of the Belt Sea cod stock
Rainer Oeberst and Martina Bleil
Sci. Mar. 67(Suppl.1) : 181-190 Abstract PDF
Inverse relationship between cod recruitment in the North sea and young fish in the continuous plankton recorder survey
J.A. Lindley, P.C. Reid and K.M. Brander
Sci. Mar. 67(Suppl.1) : 191-200 Abstract PDF
Incorporating time-series structure in medium-term recruitment projections
C.L. Needle, C.M. O'Brien, C.D. Darby and M.T. Smith
Sci. Mar. 67(Suppl.1) : 201-209 Abstract PDF
On the prediction of short term changes in the recruitment of North Sea cod (Gadus morhua) using statistical temperature forecasts
Benjamin Planque, Clive J. Fox, Mark A. Saunders and Paul Rockett
Sci. Mar. 67(Suppl.1) : 211-218 Abstract PDF
Physical influences on the stock dynamics of plaice and sole in the North Sea
Gerd Wegner, Ulrich Damm and Martin Purps
Sci. Mar. 67(Suppl.1) : 219-234 Abstract PDF
Sardine regime shifts off Portugal: a time series analysis of catches and wind conditions
M.F. Borges, A.M.P. Santos, N. Crato, H. Mendes and B. Mota
Sci. Mar. 67(Suppl.1) : 235-244 Abstract PDF
Stock dynamic of the Iberian sardine (Sardina pilchardus, W.) and its implication on the fishery off Galicia (NW Spain)
Pablo Carrera and Carmela Porteiro
Sci. Mar. 67(Suppl.1) : 245-258 Abstract PDF
Embedding sea surface temperature anomalies into the stock recruitment relationship of red mullet (Mullus barbatus L. 1758) in the Strait of Sicily
D. Levi, M.G.Andreoli, A. Bonanno, F. Fiorentino, G. Garofalo, S. Mazzola, G. Norrito, B. Patti, G. Pernice, S. Ragonese, G.B. Giusto and P. Rizzo
Sci. Mar. 67(Suppl.1) : 259-268 Abstract PDF
Trends in various biological parameters of the European sardine, Sardina pilchardus (Walbaum, 1792), in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea
Pinelopi Voulgaridou and Konstantinos I. Stergiou
Sci. Mar. 67(Suppl.1) : 269-280 Abstract PDF
Modelling and forecasting monthly swordfish catches in the Eastern Mediterranean
K.I. Stergiou, G. Tserpes and P. Peristeraki
Sci. Mar. 67(Suppl.1) : 283-290 Abstract PDF
Applying biomass dynamic models to the southern horse mackerel stock (Atlantic waters of Iberian Peninsula). A comparison with VPA-based methods
Pablo Abaunza, A. Celso Fariña and Alberto Murta
Sci. Mar. 67(Suppl.1) : 291-300 Abstract PDF
Assessment of golden redfish (Sebastes marinus L) in Icelandic waters
Höskuldur Björnsson and Thorsteinn Sigurdsson
Sci. Mar. 67(Suppl.1) : 301-314 Abstract PDF
Capelin and herring as key species for the yield of north-east Arctic cod. Results from multispecies model runs
Johannes Hamre
Sci. Mar. 67(Suppl.1) : 315-323 Abstract PDF
Forecasting recruitment and stock biomass of Northeast Arctic cod using neural networks
Geir Huse and Geir Ottersen
Sci. Mar. 67(Suppl.1) : 325-335 Abstract PDF
A bioeconomic model for Mediterranean fisheries, the hake off Catalonia (western Mediterranean) as a case study
J. Lleonart, F. Maynou, L. Recasens and R. Franquesa
Sci. Mar. 67(Suppl.1) : 337-351 Abstract PDF
An evaluation of management strategies for Atlantic tuna stocks
L.T. Kell, D.J. Die, V.R. Restrepo, J.M. Fromentin, V. Ortiz de Zárate and P. Pallares
Sci. Mar. 67(Suppl.1) : 353-370 Abstract PDF
Author Index, Subject Index
Sci. Mar. 67(Suppl.1) : 371-374 Abstract PDF
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