Sci. Mar. 79(2): 2015

Application of a multi-annual generalized depletion model to the assessment of a data-limited coastal fishery in the western Mediterranean

Francesc Maynou
Sci. Mar. 79(2) : 157-168 - DOI: 10.3989/scimar.04173.28A Abstract PDF
The complex early life history of a marine estuarine-opportunist fish species, Solea turbynei (Soleidae) from temperate South Africa
Nadine A. Strydom, Crystal J. Coetzer and Paula Pattrick
Sci. Mar. 79(2) : 169-178 - DOI: 10.3989/scimar.04193.18A Abstract PDF
Population structure of the pearly razorfish, Xyrichtys novacula (Actinopterygii: Labridae), in sand-seagrass mosaics: spatial variation according to habitat features and sampling techniques
Fernando Espino, Raül Triay-Portella, José Antonio González, Ricardo Haroun and Fernando Tuya
Sci. Mar. 79(2) : 179-188 - DOI: 10.3989/scimar.04219.05A Abstract PDF
Topographical variation in lipid content andmorphological structure of the blubber in the striped dolphin
Encarna Gómez-Campos, Asunción Borrell, Jordi Correas and Alex Aguilar
Sci. Mar. 79(2) : 189-197 - DOI: 10.3989/scimar.04093.25A Abstract PDF
Pasiphaeid shrimps in the western Mediterranean: geographical variability in distribution and population patterns
Daniela S. Simão, Emilia Zas, Aina Carbonell and Pere Abelló
Sci. Mar. 79(2) : 199-209 - DOI: 10.3989/scimar.04147.07A Abstract PDF
Fouling community dominated by Metridium senile (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Actiniaria) in Bahía San Julián (southern Patagonia, Argentina)
Juan Pablo Martin, Agustín Garese, Alicia Sar and Fabián H. Acuña
Sci. Mar. 79(2) : 211-221 - DOI: 10.3989/scimar.04082.21A Abstract PDF
Associated fauna and effects of epibiotic barnacles onthe relative growth and reproductive indices of Stramonita haemastoma (Gastropoda: Muricidae)
Tahani El Ayari, Youssef Lahbib and Najoua Trigui El Menif
Sci. Mar. 79(2) : 223-232 - DOI: 10.3989/scimar.04151.18A Abstract PDF
Reproduction and size at first maturity in a Mediterranean exploited Callista chione bivalve bed
Eve Galimany, Marc Baeta, Mercè Durfort, Jordi Lleonart and Montserrat Ramón
Sci. Mar. 79(2) : 233-242 - DOI: 10.3989/scimar.04155.13A Abstract PDF
Annotated checklist of brachyuran crabs (Crustacea: Decapoda) of the Iberian Peninsula (SW Europe)
Elena Marco-Herrero, Pere Abelló, Pilar Drake, Jose Enrique García-Raso, Juan Ignacio González-Gordillo, Guillermo Guerao, Ferran Palero and Jose A. Cuesta
Sci. Mar. 79(2) : 243-256 - DOI: 10.3989/scimar.04161.27A Abstract PDF
Physiological adaptation to Mediterranean habitats of the native crab Pachygrapsus marmoratus and the invasive Percnon gibbesi (Crustacea: Decapoda)
Silvia Tejada, Salud Deudero, Antonio Box and Antoni Sureda
Sci. Mar. 79(2) : 257-262 - DOI: 10.3989/scimar.04172.21B Abstract PDF
Further Mediterranean expansion of thenon-indigenous bryozoan Celleporaria brunnea: multiple records along the Italian coasts
Alice Lodola, Jasmine Ferrario and Anna Occhipinti-Ambrogi
Sci. Mar. 79(2) : 263-274 - DOI: 10.3989/scimar.04174.31A Abstract PDF
Francisco Vives Galmés (Manacor, 1926 – Palma de Mallorca, 2015)
Miguel Alcaraz
Sci. Mar. 79(2) : 275-278 - DOI: 10.3989/scimar.04261.10A Abstract PDF
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