Sci. Mar. 61(3): 1997
Two electrophoretic morphs of the ectoparasite copepod Chondracanthus psetti Kroyer, 1863 (Copepoda: Chondracanthidae) in the small-eyed flatfish Paralichthys microps (Pisces: Paralichthyidae)
L. Troncoso, R. Riffo, R. Galleguillos and F. Cerda
Sci. Mar. 61(3) : 285-290 Abstract PDF
Variabilidad genética en peces demersales: Distribución en profundidad versus restricciones filogenéticas
C. Oyarzún, R. Galleguillo and J. Monsalves
Sci. Mar. 61(3) : 291-296 Abstract PDF
Evaluation of three length-based methods for estimating growth in tropical fishes: The red snapper Lutjanus campechanus of the Campeche Bank (Mexico)
C. Leonce-Valencia and O. Defeo
Sci. Mar. 61(3) : 297-303 Abstract PDF
Description of a rare isopod crustacean, Arcturella poorei sp. nov. (Isopoda: Valvifera: Arcturidae), from the Atlantic seaboard of Cadiz (Iberian Peninsula)
J. Castelló
Sci. Mar. 61(3) : 305-311 Abstract PDF
Nematocyst analysis of Cyanea capillata and Cyanea lamarckii (Scyphozoa, Cnidaria)
C. Östman and J. Hydman
Sci. Mar. 61(3) : 313-344 Abstract PDF
Distribution and age structure of mackerel (Scomber scombrus, L.) and horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus, L.) in the northern coast of Spain, 1989-1994
B. Villamor, P. Abaunza, P. Lucio and C. Porteiro
Sci. Mar. 61(3) : 345-366 Abstract PDF
Biometric relationships of the red shrimp, Aristaeomorpha foliacea Risso 1827, in the Strait of Sicily (Mediterranean Sea)
S. Ragonese, F. Bertolino and M.L. Bianchini
Sci. Mar. 61(3) : 367-377 Abstract PDF
Atmospheric pressure variations and water mass exchange between the continental shelf and the Bay of Cadiz
M. Bruno, B. Fraguela, J.J. Alonso, A. Ruíz-Cañavate, R. Mañanes and J. Rico
Sci. Mar. 61(3) : 379-387 Abstract PDF
Morphometric and biological data on Ancistrocheirus lesueurii (Orbigny, 1842) from the middle-eastern Mediterranean Sea
G. D'Onghia, P. Maiorano and A. Tursi
Sci. Mar. 61(3) : 389-396 Abstract PDF
Measurement of bacterial size via image analysis of epifluorescence preparations: description of an inexpensive system and solutions to some of the most common problems
R. Massana, J.M. Gasol, P.K. Bjørnsen, N. Blackburn, Å. Hagström, S. Hietanen, B.H. Hygum, J. Kuparinen and C. Pedrós-Alió
Sci. Mar. 61(3) : 397-407 Abstract PDF
Population characteristics of the neustonic isopod Idotea metallica (Crustacea, Isopoda, Idoteidae) in the western Mediterranean (June 1993)
P. Abelló and R.J. Frankland
Sci. Mar. 61(3) : 409-414 Abstract PDF
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