Summary and analysis of the available information for the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries management in Turkey
Adnan Tokaç, Vahdet Ünal, Zafer Tosunoğlu, Altan Lök, Tevfik Ceyhan, Hüseyin Özbilgin

This review has been prepared by Ege University, a partner of the CREAM Project, on the basis of data and information relevant to Turkish fisheries. To this end, data belonging to a total of 31 information sources produced from 19 fisheries studies were collected, investigated, and analysed. The data are heterogeneous and were obtained from scientific studies, national and international fisheries projects, regulations, management tools, and information on marine protected areas and no-take zones, all of which may be relevant to the ecosystem approach to Turkish fisheries. Analysis of these data shows that few studies have potential to serve the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (EAF) management in Turkey. In other words, there is a lot to be done in order to organize current fishing, aquaculture and other costal activities for EAF management, for which transition is targeted in Turkey’s 10th five-year development programme. This review aims to present results of scientific research, decisions taken, applied enforcements, and a summary of presently used technical measures from the EAF perspective for sustainable fisheries. It also puts forward suggestions on strategies needed for transition to targeted EAF management in Turkey.

Keywords: EAF; ecosystem; sustainable fisheries; management measures; MPAs; fisheries management; Turkey
Contents of this volume Sci. Mar. 78S1 : 29-36 Back PDF
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