Population identification of common cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) inferred from genetic, morphometric and cuttlebone chemistry data in the NE Mediterranean Sea
Cemal Turan and Deniz Yaglioglu

The population structures of the common cuttlefish Sepia officinalis from the north-eastern Mediterranean (Antalya and Iskenderun Bays), Aegean (Izmir Bay) and Marmara Seas were analyzed with mtDNA PCR-RFLP, body morphometry and cuttlebone chemistry. Analysis of a ND 5/6 (Nikotin Amid Adenin Dehidrojenaz-5/6) gene segment of mtDNA revealed seven haplotypes from 120 individuals. No haplotype sharing was observed among sampling sites. The average nucleotide divergence between samples was 0.009390, and the highest genetic divergence (0.015279) was observed between the Iskenderun Bay and Marmara Sea samples. The lowest genetic divergence (0.003786) was between the Aegean Sea and Antalya Bay samples. Highly significant differences (P<0.001) between all sampling sites were observed in both the Monte Carlo and AMOVA analyses. In the UPGM tree, the neighbouring Antalya and Aegean samples clustered as the closest clades, and the most isolated Marmara and Iskenderun Bay samples clustered as the most divergent clades. In discriminant function analysis, the classification success rates in assigning fishes to the correct region of origin were 66 and 100% for morphometry and cuttlebone chemistry respectively. In the morphometric analysis, only the Marmara Sea and Iskenderun Bay samples were differentiated from each other, and the rest of the samples overlapped each other. In cuttlebone chemistry analysis, univariate statistics revealed highly significant (P<0.001) differences among locations for 12 elements: Al, Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Pb, Zn. In multivariate analysis, highly significant differences (P<0.001) were observed between the four locations. This study showed that there are four discrete populations of S. officinalis in Turkish coastal waters.

Keywords: Sepia officinalis, population identification, genetic, morphometry, cuttlebone chemistry
Contents of this volume Sci. Mar. 74(1) : 77-86 Back PDF
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