Fecundity and spawning of Abralia verany (Rüppell, 1844) (Cephalopoda: Enoploteuthidae) in the Aegean Sea
Alp Salman and Vladimir Laptikhovsky

A total of 24 female Abralia verany specimens, with a mantle length between 26-47 mm, were investigated. The mean potential fecundity (PF) and mean relative fecundity (RF) of ovaries were calculated as 26584 eggs and 4379 eggs g-1, respectively. The mean egg number determined in the oviduct was 251. Diameters of ripe eggs in the oviduct were approximately 1.01 mm. According to the findings given above the PF values of A. verany in the eastern Mediterranean are higher than the ones off northwest Africa.

Keywords: Abralia verany, fecundity, Aegean Sea, eastern Mediterranean.
Contents of this volume Sci. Mar. 69(2) : 211-214 Back PDF
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